Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tiera; Charon's Distance

The difference between AU, Km, and Ly is that they all measure something different. AU stands for Astronomical Unit. It is used for measuring the distance between the sun and the earth. Km stands for kilometer. A kilometer is used for measuring a specific lengh. Ly stands for light years. Light years help to measure distances to stars and other distances in/on our galaxy. This paragraph explains the little differences between AU, Km, and Ly.
When Earth and Charon are closet to each other they are at most 29-51 A.U.'s apart, 4.2 billion km apart. Charon is not 1 light year away but 243 light minutes away. It can either take
205,000 hours, 8,500 days, or 23 years and 105 days to get to Charon. I do not think human will get to Charon because it takes far to long to get there.

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